Activities & Education Sessions
Regional events and education sessions provide a forum for learning and informal discussion. The Institute sponsors professional development workshops and sessions throughout the year.
Monitoring Issues and Legislation
The Institute monitors planning related issues and responds to the appropriate government departments and agencies on various issues affecting the practice of planning and the public in Saskatchewan.
Outstanding achievements in the practice of planning and volunteers are recognized through the Annual SPPI Awards program.
Continuing Professional Learning Program
Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) covers the specific activities that members of a professional body actively engage in to further their knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities, relevant to the contemporary theory, methods, and practice of that profession.
As professional planners, we live and practice our profession in a knowledge economy that rewards innovation and generates rapid change. Our employers, clients and public have a growing need and expectation that Planners remain current, participate in that innovation and provide positive direction to direct that change.
CIP Professional Liability Insurance Program
The Canadian Institute of Planners, in conjunction with AON Reed Stenhouse Inc., is pleased to provide you with Professional Liability Insurance coverage. This coverage is for all Regulated Members of the Institute.
Membership Annual Dues and Fees
Annual membership dues are paid through the Canadian Institute of Planners member login area. When you become a member of SPPI and CIP, you will receive login access to update your profile with the Institute and pay your annual dues. SPPI invoices are sent out every year in December and due upon receipt of invoice.
Members can login to CIP below to update your contact info and pay your fees: