Continuing Professional Learning Program

Required ongoing professional development or learning is common and widely considered a best practice for most professions and professional associations like SPPI. The SPPI Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program was developed to achieve this best practice and to ensure that all practicing professional planners remain current with contemporary theory, methods, skills and knowledge within their profession.

The SPPI CPL system is outlined in detail in the SPPI CPL System Guide. It describes the policies and guidelines for the completion, reporting and administration of ongoing professional development to be undertaken by every professional member of SPPI in Saskatchewan. This includes all active Certified members or RPPs and Candidate members. 

Any professional learning or practice activities, is eligible for CPL reporting as long as it is in the realm of the core competencies for the planning profession. Candidate and RPP Members are required to self-report learning using the guide of 1.0 hour of learning equals 1.0 LU.
Access to your CIP Member Profile and CPL reporting portal is now available on the CIP website:

1. Go to the CIP website: Home | CIP (cip-icu.ca) click on the Member Profile
2. Click on the SPPI logo PTIA Member Login | CIP (cip-icu.ca)
3. In your profile, in the side menu click ‘Record/View CPL Activities’

To help navigate the process, view this video tutorial to walk you through the steps. Annual CPL Reporting Deadline is December 31st. However, members are encouraged to acquire and report their CPL early and throughout the year.

If you are a Registered Professional Planner or Candidate Member of SPPI and in need of additional CPL’s, our Learning Centre can provide resources or stay tuned on our events page and e-news for upcoming events that qualify for CPL’s.

Using Intermunicipal Development Agreements

Housing Accelerator Fund Presentation

National Indigenous Peoples Day Presentation

Canadian Transit Agencies Response to COVID-19

Community Adaptation to Climate Change

Thank you Dr. Patrick for this informative webinar on climate change.

Planning Ethics Workshop

See below for the March 31 SPPI Planning Ethics Workshop. Thank you to Glen Grismer for presenting to our members:

Winter Cycling Webinar

See below for the December 15 SPPI Winter Cycling Webinar with Ellen McLaughlin and Tyler Rittinger. Thank you to Ellen and Tyler for presenting to our members: